
Showing posts from 2014

Stepping into the Light

Have you ever done a Google search on yourself? I did a couple weeks ago, apparently while experiencing an onset of attention deficit disorder. I often find my mind hundreds of miles from where it's supposed to be. Recently, while doing research on endowment spending policies...exciting stuff to be sure...I found myself reading an article published in the New Yorker titled "Letting Go." (  ) See! So, back to the point...while digging for dirt on myself, I found my name listed in a blog posting. While not familiar with the blog, MoseMiddleMan, I was certainly intrigued and clicked on the link to learn more. I was blown away! Here is a portion of the post dated July 15, 2014 (used without permission): "Stepping into the Light" "This is the beginning of…well whatever this is. I am sure that I read, or heard somewhere, that every great journey begins with the first...

The Book

It's Beautiful Here. A year in the eye of a hurricane. by Joel R Harbaugh | Make Your Own Book Producing and selling this book was never on my radar. Collecting my thoughts and sharing them with my children, family and friends was my only goal. But people talk...and I am asked frequently about how to get one of my 'books.' So, this is how. They are a little pricey, but that's how it goes with small-run self-publishing. Clink the title link directly below the book cover picture.

Butterfly Kisses

Lucille has always given the best butterfly kisses. Here she is swimming the 100 Butterfly for the first time. She is awesome! 


Both of my boys are out of the house. Jack likes to say, "I'm in college." That they continue to bloom is a reality I find exciting and unsettling at the same time. So, having all my children in one place at the same time is a moment I truly enjoy. I swim in their laughter and playful sibling ribbing, and sometimes I get a picture.